Monday, November 3, 2008

Merch 101: Merch Kits

Lesson 5: How to Make a Great Merch Kit

To run a successful merch table there are standard supplies that everybody needs, but the better stocked you are the better things are going to run. Here is a breakdown of some of the things that are essential to an organized and efficient merch system.



Plastic Storage Bins

These heavy plastic packing containers often come with snapping lids and dividers. The better quality the container (i.e. thicker plastic, snapping lids, handles) the easier load in, set up and tear down will be. These containers make packing and travelling much easier as they aren’t as susceptible to weather (rain will break down cardboard) and can be easily packed and stored.

Depending on the amount of merch and the size of the bins you should be able to store most of your merchandise into these bins. Now, these are better used on small to mid-level bands as high level bands quite often go through merch so fast and have so much to sell it wouldn’t be prudent to use a bin like this for t-shirts, though it may be for smaller merchandise like bandanas, belt buckles, etc. that are heavier or are more expensive. Also note that if you use heavy duty storage bins they can double as step-stools and chairs when a venue lacks that sort of stuff!

Smaller "Merch Kit" Container

A smaller container to hold all of the stuff that will make up your "merch kit" is essential. Something that clasps shut and has a handle is ideal but any plastic container will do. This will carry all of your day-to-day merch essentials which we will discuss below, so organization is key. Things that often work well are professional make-up boxes as they have lots of compartments and are easy to organize.

Merch Kit

Grid Panel
A grid panel is a metal grid that you can attach to or hang up on the wall to clip up t-shirts and other sellable product so that fans can see the product clearly. Often mid-size and smaller venues don't have anything to attach product to, so to look professional you can bring your own panel for display purposes.

Butterfly Clips
These little clips help attach t-shirts to your display or hang up posters/pictures/cd's etc. They come in a wide range of sizes and come in very handy for a lot of things. 

Flash Cards

Flash cards are a great way to display what sizes you have available if you have a lot of stock in various sizing ranges. Write the style name and the size range on the flash card and as you sell out of styles you can cross them out. This will help for when people ask what sizes you have. You will often still get the same questions but at least you have a reference to point to when the venue is loud!  I usually attach these right to the t-shirts or wall underneath the t-shirts with straight pins or thumb tacks, tape also works.

Printed Merch Pricing
A sheet with each individual item for sale and it's cost comes in pretty handy when you have a long lineup for merch! These are good to put up all over your merch area so lots of people can see them!

Clear Plastic Picture Frame Stands
To display your merch price lists on the merch table these picture frame stands can be helpful. Usually they are plastic and come in an 8.5" x 11" size for regular sheets of paper.

Binder - Sell Sheets / Inventory List
Your binder is a very important part of your merch! It keeps records of sales at each show so you can track how well your sales are doing. You can also keep settlement sheets from venues when you have to give some of your profits to the house and it also comes in handy for keeping track of inventory for when you need to order more. This way you know which sizes and items you sell out of first, thus making it easier to know which sizes to order more of next time!

Plastic CD Stands
You know when grandma's have decorated plates displayed allover their little houses and some are standing up on a shelf or a mantle? Usually they are propped up with a plate display stand of some kind. These can usually be purchased at dollar stores and come in really handy for displaying CD's and books!

Other "Supplies": 
Stapler / Staples
Sharpies (ALWAYS a necessity!)
Mechanical Pencils
Pencil Case
Thumb Tacks

Duct Tape / Electrical Tape / Masking Tape / Scotch Tape (Any kind of tape is helpful!)
Hangers (For displaying tees when you don't have a grid panel!)
1-Hole Punch
Measuring Tape

Note Pad (for making notes when working or writing down information you may need later!)
Plastic Carry Bags (people won't ask for bags often but when they do it'll be handy to have them!)
Small Hammer / Nails

All of these items will come in handy when setting up your merch area. Keep in mind that the neater your area is and the more you do to customize it, the more professional it will look and professionalism is important! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Look at me! I'm commenting! Wee this is fun!
